LONDONDERRY, Vt. – Meteor aimed for Earth! Mars now brightest it’s been in years! These headlines are becoming more frequent and pique our curiosity to the point where many of us instinctively look to the night sky to see if we can spot these objects. In a graphic-rich presentation, architect and astronomer Claudio Veliz will be at Neighborhood Connections Thursday, Sept. 10 at 4 p.m. to explain how to find celestial objects in our local New England skies using the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope.
Veliz is co-founder of SoVerA, the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group, headquarted in Chester and owns an award-winning architecture firm, Claudio Veliz Architect PLLC/AIA.
Veliz will discuss a handful of very useful websites and simple procedures for spotting these objects as well as available planetarium software programs that you can download and install for free to help plan an observing session.
This program is offered at no charge, and you can attend in room or on Zoom. Call 802-824-4343 to register.
Neighborhood Connections is a nonprofit social services agency serving the area mountain towns. We are located in Londonderry’s Mountain Marketplace, next to the post office.