WESTON, Vt. – The Weston Community Association is proud and happy to announce that Gypsy Reel, the wonderful “Celtic Band that Rocks,” will be back for their annual Labor Day concert in the bandstand on Weston’s Green on Monday, Sept. 4, at 4 p.m. With the mountain towns still reeling (no pun intended) from the effects of the July 10 floods, let’s get together for a much-needed afternoon of relaxation and community with our neighbors. Bring family, bring friends, bring a picnic, and enjoy.
Gypsy Reel’s repertoire runs the gamut, from the music of the seventeenth century Irish bard Turlough O’Carolan, to the rock sounds of Jefferson Airplane, but centers on more contemporary Celtic tunes from the British Isles and Eastern Canada.
The concert is hosted and sponsored by the Weston Community Association, stewards of the Weston Playhouse building, the museums of Weston, and Cold Spring Memorial Park. In the event of rain, the concert will be moved to Old Parish Church, located south of the Green on Route 100.
There is no cost to attend; voluntary donations will be accepted on behalf of the Farrar Park Association, an organization of nine ladies which has owned and maintained the idyllic Weston Green since 1886, and who make the lovely green available for community events such as this.