SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Every Thursday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. an enthusiastic group of handcrafters meets in the Great Hall Gallery at 100 River Street in Springfield, the former Fellows Gear Shaper building, to work on individual craft projects and share time and skills with friends. This fun and friendly group welcomes all types of handcrafters from knitting and crocheting to embroidery, quilting, rug hooking, rug braiding, basket making, diamond painting, and scrapbooking.
Members of the Great Hall Handcrafters help each other, teach new skills, and inspire each other to finish their UFOs – those UnFinished Objects.
Much enthusiasm is created among the clientele passing through the Great Hall to their doctor’s appointments. People stop and visit to admire the projects in progress and are encouraged to join the group. They relive and rekindle their fond memories of working with their hands on projects.
The group brings their own lunches. Community members are invited to join the group. If you can’t stay for the whole time, bring your lunch during your lunch hour and visit and share your projects with the group.
The group participated in the Springfield Garden Club’s Festival of Trees by decorating one of the community trees with their handmade ornaments. Their tree will be on display in the Great Hall, along with the other trees, throughout the holiday season.
Written by Annie Katz and Marita Johnson.