Fresh Cut Film Festival in Springfield

The Fresh Cut Film Festival will be held in Springfield on July 12. Photo provided

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – SAPA TV has partnered up with WCFR to present Springfield’s first film festival. On July 12, from 5-7 p.m., winning films will be shown at the Springfield Cinemas 3.

The Fresh Cut Film Festival is focusing on filmmakers in the rural Vermont area, and reaching out to younger generations in an effort to prove they can enter the field no matter where they live.

Tickets get you a seat to watch all winning films and meet the filmmakers.

On July 13, during the Springfield Street Fest, from 12-3 p.m., people can pop into the theater for free to see the youth short films. The films will be on a loop, so you can catch them between other festival activities.

For more information or to purchase a ticket, visit

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