SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Springfield’s first film festival was a huge success, selling out the theater to show five short films by local filmmakers: “The Journey home” by Mark Stanley, “BIAVT Walk and Roll” by the late Chris Burge, “Dual” by the Flugge family of HotBrick Lighting and Grip, “The Sins of Salem” by Brad Courtmanche, and “This Crowded Room” by Rafael Burgos Nieves.
The awards ceremony took place at the private filmmaker mixer thereafter, awarding “The Journey Home” the Freshest Cut Award, for a riveting film from the animals’ perspective about the trials and triumphs experienced going through the Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society. Mark Stanley received a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, a framed award, and freshly cut vegetables from Eureka Organic Farm.
Executive director of Brattleboro TV Johnny Gifford accepted the lifetime achievement award on behalf of Chris Burge, for spending his life raising awareness for brain injuries using film as his medium.
The following day, youth short films were shown at the Springfield Street Fest at the theater every 45 minutes for people to stop in and see what the younger generations created. Each showing was nearly full, and viewers were then able to vote using freshly cut flowers to place in the bouquet next to their favorite film.
Ninety-two people voted on their favorite youth film, leaving us with a tie for first place. “Lizards, Frogs, and Polliwogs” by Melissa Post and the Elm Hill School second graders, and “On the Trail of the Vermont Panther” by Callum Parnell both received 32 votes and are the winners of the inaugural Fresh Cut Film Fest.
The Fresh Cut Film Fest was brought to you by SAPA TV and WCFR, in association with the Springfield Cinemas 3, and Springfield on the Move. All films will be shown on the SAPA TV stations, and youth films will also be shown on OVTV and posted on social media.