CHESTER, Vt. – The Chester Rod & Gun Club has established a Building and Grounds Committee to help maintain and upkeep our clubhouse and grounds. Below is our initial capital improvement project that the club would like to undertake in the near future.
Clubhouse Building: Project 1 – Interior painting – includes repainting of all interior surfaces (walls, trim, and ceiling). Project 2 – Exterior review – includes determining health of the siding/trim, fixing what needs fixing, and staining/painting the clubhouse and wording on the building. Project 3 – Exterior grounds cleanup – includes the removal of accumulate material around the building and stream, including old building material, drums, etc. Additionally, removal and management of the brush around the building.
Trap Range: Project 1 – Repairing the attenuation barrier – Fixing the fence between the trap range and skeet range. Includes removal of dilapidated materials, replacing and stabilizing the structure, staining, and clearing unsightly brush.
Skeet Range: Project 1 – Repaint low and high houses exterior and trim.
Long and Short Rifle/Pistol Ranges: Project 1 – Clearing debris from ranges. Design/install new backing supports for paper targets.
If you are interested in assisting with these projects, or have ideas for additional projects, please contact any member of the Building and Grounds Committee: Harry Henderson, flybynt@vermontel.net or 802-280-5871; Jerry Gleason, gleasonjerry@msn.com or 508-259-0687; and Martin Hewitt, jmh0457@gmail.com or 914-772-1793. Additionally, if you have a skill or passion (plumbing, electrical, large equipment skills, construction, etc.) and would be willing to assist the club utilizing your skills, please let the committee know.
This is an all volunteer club; the more people we can get involved, the faster and easier these projects will go, and will help keep our club vibrant and growing.
Thank you,
Chester Rod & Gun Club Building and Grounds Committee