CHESTER, Vt. – The 2022 Chester Festival on the Green will be held rain or shine on Saturday, Sept. 17 and Sunday, Sept. 18, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. both days.
The Chester Festival on The Green is a free outdoor event celebrating Vermont culture, fine art, and authentic craftsmanship. For over 40 years, this annual event has been held as a hallmark kick off to the beginning of fall foliage season here in our Vermont town, where hundreds of people converge on our historic Green from all over New England.
Once again, we’ll be bringing together the best of our local craft and food vendors while highlighting agricultural-themed exhibits in an unforgettable experience of Vermont culture. As you stroll through the center of town, you’ll see the Chester Green lined with vendors making delicious food and offering pottery, fine woodworking, fiber art, jewelry, photography, glass, and much more with something of interest for everyone. Throughout the day we’ll also be hosting tractor rides, scheduled artisan demonstrations, farm games, animal exhibits, apple cider pressing, a hay maze, and lots of family-fun activities.
If you’d like to support our event and are interested in volunteering, we could always use more hands-on-deck. We’re looking for festival ambassadors who can help oversee the farm games, assist in the agricultural demonstrations, pass

out schedule flyers, etc. We will be hosting a kick-off meeting for interested volunteers on Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. in the Southern Pie Cafe in Chester. Please RSVP to ruthannebatchelder@gmail.com if you’d like to join us for the Volunteer Kick-Off Meeting.
If you don’t have time to volunteer but would still like to contribute, we are accepting donations by mail. Every bit is appreciated on behalf of the entire Chester community. For more details about the event, please contact us with any questions.