“Approaching Kurtág” at Art Around Books

Sketch by Olda Prochazka, on display at Art Around Books. Photo provided

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – “Approaching Kurtág” offers an avenue of juxtaposition and conversation with one of the most important compositions of vocal chamber music of the late 20th century, György Kurtag’s “Kafka Fragments, Op. 24,” a kaleidoscopic world of sound, sense, and expression.

For each of the five artists in the exhibit, Jinane Abbadi, Michele Burgess, Bill Kelly, Olda Procházka, and James Renner, have, contained within the borders of each print, a unique language. These images, which themselves have been created in conversation with poetry, prose, frameworks of language, and broader ideas, resonate with recurring themes of the Kafka Fragments. The beauty and chaos of cities, the abyss of the divine, the unending complexities of human relationships, the loneliness of the outsider, the joyous heartbreak of living.

This exhibition aims to create another space for the imagination of the listener and viewer to inhabit, wander, and explore.

Art Around Books is located at 5 Canal Street in Bellows Falls, Vt., and can be reached at 619-200-1326 or artistsbooks@brightonpress.net. They are online at www.artaroundbooks.com. Open hours are Thursday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and 3:30-5 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. “Approaching Kurtág” will continue through Sept. 30.

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