14th annual Blue Flames concert and community picnic

Blue Flames. Photo provided

WESTON, Vt. – On Saturday, Sept. 9, from 4-6 p.m., everyone is invited to come to Weston’s town green for a special Blue Flames Steel Band concert, to benefit the area’s flood victims.

Bring a picnic, family, and friends, and come listen to some wonderful music by the enchanting Blue Flames Steel Band, who for the 14th year are donating their talent, good will, and support – this year to benefit our mountain communities.

136 years ago, nine pioneer women turned a smelly frog pond and muddy swamp into what is now called the most beautiful town green in Vermont. The “Ladies of the Green,” in the spirit of their ancestors, welcome all to join in sharing their spirit of community, and help provide some assistance to our neighbors in need.

The rain date for this event is Saturday, Sept. 16.

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