Cavendish community calendar seeks photos

CAVENDISH, Vt. – For more than 20 years, the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) has produced a community calendar featuring photographs taken by Cavendish/Proctorsville residents of Cavendish/Proctorsville scenes. Planning for the 2025 calendar is underway, and the planners are asking for local submissions.

The theme for next year is “Cavendish: Resilient and Strong.” What images come to mind when you think of the strength and beauty in our community? How do you see nature renew itself? Photos of landscapes, buildings, people, and animals within Cavendish will be considered for publication.

All photographs will be displayed in the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library, and the public will be able to vote on their favorites during the last week of May. The purpose of the calendar is to bring a greater appreciation and sense of pride about the town, which is the foundation of conservation and good stewardship.

Whether you are a full-time or a part-time resident, and even if you have never submitted pictures to the calendar before, this is your chance to capture a sight that you appreciate and share it with the community. The usual submissions are from ordinary people who find beauty in ordinary places. The deadline for entries is May 21.

Application procedures and rules are available at the CCCA website, Please contact CCCA at, or call Robin at 802-259-2327 if you have questions.

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