LUDLOW, Vt. – This year’s Ski and Snowboard Swap had a record-breaking year and raised over $37,000 for Okemo Mountain School. The proceeds from the swap will go towards operating costs to keep tuition as affordable as possible for all students. The event was extremely well attended this year and customers were excited with their purchases, finding outstanding deals on all sorts of new and used winter outdoor gear.
Mariel Meringolo, Head of School, would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the volunteers who donated their time, as well as all the mountain personnel who went above and beyond their normal duties to provide support to the event. Without all the volunteers and the help of the mountain, the swap could never have been such a success. Everyone’s efforts are greatly appreciated by the entire school community.
And since it is never too soon to look to the future, mark your calendars for the 2023 OMS Ski and Snowboard Swap. Equipment Drop-off will be held on Nov. 11, 12, and 15. The swap will be open for business on Nov. 17-19.
Okemo Mountain School, celebrating 31 years in operation this winter, is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to the academic and athletic development of serious snow sports athletes. Student-athletes are given the opportunity to train in alpine ski racing, snowboarding, or freestyle skiing, while pursuing a rigorous course of academic study. Okemo Mountain School relies heavily on fundraisers like the swap to provide financial aid, scholarships, and to keep tuition affordable.
For further information, please contact Kate Foster at or 802-975-0126.