REGION – Hunters still have several days of archery and muzzleloader deer hunting to enjoy in Vermont.
Archery deer hunting continues through Dec. 15, and muzzleloader deer hunting will occur Dec. 5 to 13.
An archery deer license, in addition to a hunting license, is required to hunt during the archery season. An antlerless deer or a legal buck–if you did not take one earlier–are allowed during this season.
A muzzleloader deer license, in addition to a hunting license, is required to hunt during the muzzleloader season. A legal buck may be taken–if you did not take one earlier–or an antlerless deer may be taken in a designated Wildlife Management Unit if you have a muzzleloader antlerless deer permit. A few of these permits are still available on Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s website for WMUs K and N in southwestern Vermont.
Vermont has an annual limit of four deer during its deer hunting seasons, including only one legal buck annually during those seasons.