New parent support groups starting at SAPCC

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Area Parent Child Center (SAPCC) recently filled a new mental health clinician position. Dominique Rondeau has been hard at work providing mental health services to families accessing our programs and coordinating new opportunities to bring parents together for support.

October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. SAPCC hosted a memorial ceremony Oct. 15 to honor those lost and their loved ones by lighting luminaries, sharing songs, and reading poems. A new support group for parents of pregnancy and infant loss will be taking place on the first Thursday of every month, starting Nov. 4, 2021, from 6-7 p.m., at SAPCC.

Additionally, a new mom’s group is starting Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m., at SAPCC for four weeks. If you have a baby under the age of 16 weeks and are looking for some support and community, this opportunity is for you. Attendance includes free diapers, wipes, and a gas card. Postpartum mood disorders, infant development, self-care, and healthy relationships will be discussed.

For more information and to register for either of these groups, please email Dominique Rondea at or call 802-886-5242, ext. 258.

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