Dear Editor,
I want to bring you up to date on some of the activities with which I have been involved in the current legislative session at the statehouse in Montpelier.
In the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee on which I sit, we took testimony on the Film and Creative Media Workforce Development Initiative from the Vermont Arts Council, Vermont Production Collective, and several filmmakers and writers from Vermont. All agreed that Vermont could benefit greatly from tapping into a database that would offer a network of film industry information that would identify local Vermont talent, film equipment availability, locations for filming, jobs, internships, and apprenticeships when planning a film production in Vermont. As demonstrated this past summer with the filming of the movie “Beetlejuice 2” in East Corinth, attracting filmmakers from away and within is a growth industry that would have a positive impact on our Vermont economy.
Better Places, a community matching grant program that empowers Vermonters to create inclusive and vibrant public places for projects throughout the state, spoke to my committee about the fundraising opportunities available to upgrade local buildings. Let’s talk about possible projects that we could rally around in our communities.
The impact of legislative action on local property taxes is always a major concern as we review, propose, and act on bills that will have an impact on educational policy and opportunity in our state. We are working to reconfigure legislation from the previous session that may inadvertently cause property taxes to increase at an unintended rate. I support a strong public education system which is funded in a fair and reasonable manner. Our state budget must be adopted with a clear focus on the cost impact on our residents and tax payers, including the costs of educating our students.
You may contact me by email at, or by phone at 802-875-4663.
Rep. Heather Chase
Windsor Windham District