Kurn Hattin staff honored for dedication to children

Richard Long, who celebrated 40 years teaching at Kurn Hattin, was thanked for his years of service.
Richard Long, who celebrated 40 years teaching at Kurn Hattin, was thanked for his years of service. Photo provided

WESTMINSTER, Vt. – Thirteen staff members were recognized at Kurn Hattin Homes this year for their dedication, hard work, and many years of service. Executive Director Steve Harrison and Assistant Executive Director Susan Kessler honored these individuals with service awards June 4.

Staff members receiving five-year awards were Michelle Banning, art educator; Martha Ruffle, director of Human Resources; Stephen Harrison, executive director; William McHugh, 504 coordinator; Laurel Harrison, middle grades literacy teacher; and Conor Fitzgerald, assistant farm manager. The 10-year awards were given to Carmen Menendez, math teacher, and Stephen Fitch, financial manager. The 15-year awards went to Clint Plante, co-assistant director of Residential Life, and Myles Farrar, maintenance. The 30-year award was given to Karen Rumrill, houseparent, and 35-year award to Lisa Bianconi, music director. The 40-year award went to Richard Long, social studies teacher, who retired this year. He was honored with a special certificate by School Principal Sergio Simunovic and in a moving tribute by eighth grader, Logan White.

For more information, go to www.kurnhattin.org.

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