BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On Tuesday, Jan. 10, the Bellows Falls Trustees approved items for the Water Department including the Griswold Drive storage tank and Kissell Hill water main replacement project.
Municipal Manager Scott Pickup said by repairing the tank it would give another 10-15 years before a replacement was needed. To replace the tank would cost up to $750,000. DN Tank’s proposal for service involves cleaning, crack sealing, and treatment for $175,000. Pickup requested the Trustees approve a sole source procurement for DN Tanks. He explained that he had asked water organizations in the state if there were other contractors who provided this service, but there were no other suggestions.
The Trustees approved DN Tanks from Wakefield, Mass. for sole source procurement on renovations on the Griswold Drive tank with a contract not to exceed $175,000.
Trustee Wade Masure asked if the agreement was standard, suggesting Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) review it. He said they can review the application for no charge to the village.
Pickup said the Kissell Hill water main project qualified for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) as a 50% grant. The program required a five year matching loan to secure grant funding. Pickup explained the grant was for $650,000, and the village must provide a five year agreement for $650,000 to qualify for the funding.
Village President Deborah Wright asked, “even if we turn around and immediately pay it off?” Pickup confirmed yes. He said this was the last section of reinforced asbestos concrete pipe.
Pickup said if there was a full twenty year bond authorization this would require a full warning, public notice, and meetings, but if approved that evening they could move forward with the application. The trustees approved the loan application for $650,000 for the Kissell Hill water main replacement project.
Trustee James McAuliffe referred to the village water fund and said the $1.467 million ‘due from’ obviously would fund the loan for $650,000 for Kissell Hill, and the $175,000 for the Griswold Drive tank. McAuliffe said it will show they are over budget, but those two projects will pay down the fund balance and the cash.
McAuliffe noted the Wastewater Department was at a deficit ‘due to’ of $3600, in the past they had seen large numbers and said, “it would be nice to see it positive.” Pickup agreed they were “almost there” and making progress.
The Village Annual Meeting will be on Monday, May 15, with voting on Tuesday, May 16. Departments should get their annual reports in no later than mid-March.
The Trustee meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in the Lower Theater of the Bellows Falls Opera House and open to the public. The tri-board meetings are on the fifth Tuesdays, the next one is Tuesday, Jan. 31 at 6 p.m.