LTE ALison Clarkson legislative update, May 2023

Dear Editor,   The Senate adjourned our 2023 legislative session at 8:23 p.m. Friday evening, May 12, three hours earlier than the House, which needed to act on the last bills the Senate had messaged. With an impressive number of … Continued

LTE Neighborhood Connections thanks towns for ARPA funds

Dear Editor, The staff of Neighborhood Connections would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the Town of Londonderry and the Town of Peru for their recent allocation of ARPA funds to our organization. We are thrilled to receive this … Continued

LTE Another year in Bellows Falls

Dear Editor,   Another year has come and gone. Remembering the past while walking forward, with renewed vigor, into the future. Leaving behind the remaining cobwebs of Covid, we knit our new garment of connectedness from the things we have … Continued

LTE The importance of the press

Dear Editor, Thank you so much for your coverage of the local selectboard meetings. Those of us living in towns where there is no public information program depend on the weekly newspaper to keep us informed of the business of our … Continued

LTE Thank you to childcare discussion attendees

Dear Editor,   I would like to thank all the folks who attended the childcare discussion on April 22 at the Springfield Library. The Springfield Democratic Town Committee is committed to making our legislators more accessible to the public, and … Continued

LTE Keep small schools open

Dear Editor,   According to a recent story in VT Digger (4/14/23), 40 Readsboro residents signed a petition requesting that the town close its elementary school. The same thing is happening in Windham this year. Both petitions reflect a trend … Continued

LTE Legislative update from Senator Alison Clarkson

Dear Editor,   With April we begin the season of rallies and political gatherings on the front lawn of the Statehouse. This past week alone we had two big demonstrations – one supporting our work on childcare (S.56) and one … Continued

LTE Heather Chase legislative update

Dear Editor,   It was great seeking folks at the Athens, Grafton, and Chester Town Meetings in March. I look forward to Windham’s in May. In Montpelier, we just finish the period of “cross-over.” This is when the bills passed … Continued

LTE Open letter to Judge Treadwell

Dear Editor, The following political letter was sent to the Vermont Journal and to the Presiding Judge of the Windsor County Court.  After the court told me to stop bothering them, I learned that there is no record of my … Continued

LTE: 2023 legislative session update

To the Residents of Athens, Chester, Grafton & Windham:   It was great seeking folks at the Athens, Grafton, and Chester Town Meetings in March. I look forward to Windham’s in May. In Montpelier, we just finish the period of … Continued

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