Nordic Harmoni at the Peru Fair

Nordic Harmoni at the 2023 Peru Fair. Photo provided

PERU, Vt. – Nordic Harmoni invites all to join us at the Peru Fair on Sept. 28, at 12 p.m., in the Peru Church, Peru, Vt. We are delighted to be back singing together under the wonderful direction of Lorri Bond.

The Peru Fair started in 1978 as a tag sale event, and has grown to much, much more, with over 100 exhibitors and upwards of 6,000 visitors each year. The spirit of the fair is one of community and small town life. Proceeds from the fair are donated to the Peru Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors of Peru continuing on to higher education. Check out the Peru Fair website at

Nordic Harmoni is the only Swedish-American chorus in southern Vermont, and enjoys sharing Scandinavian heritage and traditions. We welcome all interested singers to join us for rehearsals at the Second Congregational Church in Londonderry, where we sing both in English (70%) and Swedish (30%). You do not need to know Swedish to join – we will help all with pronunciations. To learn more about Nordic Harmoni, see, find  them on Facebook, or call Carl-Erik Westberg at 802-824-6578.

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